1 min read

How Should Your Temporary Labor Strategy Evolve to Capitalize on the Future of Work?

How Should Your Temporary Labor Strategy Evolve to Capitalize on the Future of Work?

The makeup of the workforce is changing rapidly, with a shift to contingent and on-demand workers.  At the same time, the service industry and enabling technology that underpins the flow of contingent workers is undergoing a revolution.  So how can we make sense of all these moving parts, and enable our organizations take advantage of this new normal?

This is the topic of today’s show, with contingent workforce expert Terri Gallagher.  This is the third in a three part series that Terri and I have recorded on contingent labor and procurement, and definitely the most thought provoking!


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“The average percentage of temporary workers in an organization is 20% today, and it is expected to be 50% of the entire workforce by 2020.” 

In this episode, you will learn:
  • What are the factors that are creating a “new normal” in the contingent labor category
  • Which types of jobs are likely to suffer from acute talent shortages in the future
  • How is technology impacting the future of work?
  • What Terri suggests the next generation of contingent workforce solutions and programs will look like
  • How Procurement can lead the change in helping their organizations take advantage of the “new normal”
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