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The Sourcing Hero Podcast Hits 10,000 Downloads

The Sourcing Hero Podcast Hits 10,000 Downloads

You probably know that Art of Procurement hosts the #1 weekly procurement podcast – but did you know that we also collaborate with our partners at Una to host and produce The Sourcing Hero podcast?

Envisioned as a place where professionals can share epic stories of beating the odds and rising up in procurement (and beyond), a new episode of The Sourcing Hero is released every Wednesday at 6am ET. As an FYI, you can subscribe on any major podcast platform.

Speaking of epic stories and bearing the odds… The Sourcing Hero just reached a major milestone in the podcast world: 10,000 downloads. 

Most shows ‘podfade’ after just 6 episodes, making The Sourcing Hero’s 91 episodes (and counting) quite a feat, especially given how crowded the procurement podcast space is.

Why has this show succeeded while so many others have not?

  • The format is very forgiving: In order to provide listeners with a uniquely broad range of guests, we use a simple but flexible interview structure. In fact, for many of our guests, The Sourcing Hero is their first podcast experience… meaning that we bring you ideas and perspectives you’ve never heard before and can’t find elsewhere. 
  • Una takes a ‘Content First’ approach: If I were asking each guest whether they thought group purchasing organizations were GREAT or SUPER GREAT, The Sourcing Hero podcast might never have had 10 downloads, let alone 10,000. I tell guests in pre-interviews that our job is to have the most interesting conversation possible. Period. 
  • We leave room for creativity: We have expanded the original wrap question – How would you define what it means to be a sourcing hero? – to include guests’ definition of heroism in a business context. Not everyone I interview is in sourcing or procurement, and we want to encourage that, so giving them a choice only makes sense.

Episodes of The Sourcing Hero are booked more than three months out, further evidence that if you create the right atmosphere, ask the right questions, and listen carefully… they will come. And as we see in the 10,000 download milestone, they will clearly listen as well. Thank you for being a part of this rewarding journey with us!

Episode 100 is right around the corner, and we are working on something special for that. In the meantime, feel free to explore past episodes, including our top three episodes by downloads:

  1. Rethinking the Supply Chain Talent Model feat. Jeffrey Ostrander
  2. The Role of Creativity in Category Management feat. Gary Levitan
  3. Understanding the Difference Between Sourcing and Procurement feat. Kevin Giblin

To learn more and listen, visit The Sourcing Hero podcast homepage. If you have an epic story of your own to share, you can either contact Una or reach out to me directly at Art of Procurement.