1 min read

10 Megatrends Shaping What & How We Buy, with Bill Michels

10 Megatrends Shaping What & How We Buy, with Bill Michels

Bill Michels is a sought after speaker, and I was delighted when Bill agreed to be on the show. Bill is very well known in the procurement and supply chain professions across the US. He is currently the founder and CEO of Aripart Consulting, following a 23 year career leading ADR North America.

With such a wealth of knowledge, it was hard to select a single topic to discuss in today’s show. However, what we decided to focus on is the megatrends – that are outside of our control – but that are impacting both what and how we buy.


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“Over time hardware and software are going to replace work that was previously done by humans.” 


The 10 Megatrends Discussed in this Episode are:

  1. Supplier Relationship Management will be a core competency
  2. Value Creation will become the most important criteria in selecting supplier
  3. Innovation is a core driver in the supply chain
  4. Portable Manufacturing
  5. Contingent Workforces will be more prevalent in business
  6. Global distribution will change significantly
  7. Influence is a critical skill
  8. Alignment of business strategy must occur across the entire supply chain end to end
  9. Product lifecycles will continue to shorten
  10. Agility, flexibility, integration, transparency and alignment will dominate competition

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