1 min read

When Should You Add a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) to Your Procurement Toolkit?

When Should You Add a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) to Your Procurement Toolkit?

Out of the 232 podcasts to date, today is the first time that we dig into GPO’s – or Group Purchasing Organizations.

And as I planned out this topic, I invited today’s guest, Jay Black, to join me.

Jay is Vice President at Insight Sourcing Group and has significant experience in the GPO space, selling and operating services under a number of different GPO delivery models.

I’ll be honest and say that, prior to today’s discussion, I have always felt that a GPO fit a very specific market niche of small companies. However, our conversation opened my eyes, especially to the use of GPO’s in larger organizations as part of a multi-dimensional approach.

Jay and I explore the nuts and bolts of GPO’s – when and how to use them, what to look for, and how to continue to benefit once any initial one-time savings have been exhausted.


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  • Subscribe to the Art of Procurement podcast
  • Jay Black on LinkedIn
  • InsightGPO
  • Whitepaper: Why GPOs Sometimes Fail: Strategies to Maximize Your ROI