1 min read

Advanced Category Management: Category Manager Imperatives

Advanced Category Management: Category Manager Imperatives

Today’s episode is the first in a two-part series considering Category Management: what we can do not only to implement Category Management, but also do so in a way that is sustainable over the long term.

The reason why I think this is important is that often I have seen Category Management implemented for the right reasons, but after the initial burst of energy and picking the low hanging fruit, it becomes difficult to keep the momentum going and provide value in other ways.

Today’s guests on the show are Lynn Rideout and Chris Eyerman from Denali Sourcing Services.  In part two of this two-part series, we discuss three key imperatives for a Category Manager that are necessary to become a trusted advisor:


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 “If you think about nothing else but these three things and apply them to the organizational building blocks, it can really help you as a Category Manager as you start to transform your category.”



In this episode, you will learn:

  • A deep dive into three key areas that are required for a Category Manager to be able to become a truster advisor and ultimately deliver sustainable value to the business long after the initial low hanging fruit has been picked:
    • Know your stakeholders
    • Understand your categories
    • Deliver results


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