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1 min read

Key Learnings from a Procurement Source to Pay Technology Transformation

Key Learnings from a Procurement Source to Pay Technology Transformation

Carlson Rezidor – one of the largest hotel groups in the world with brands such as Radisson and Park Place – embarked on a path to identify, build and deploy a global source to pay platform in mid-2015.

I am joined on the Art of Procurement today by Scott Deibert, the SVP of Procurement, and Bart Baetens, Director of E-Procurement for Carlson Residor. In today’s show, we chronicle their journey.

I ask Scott and Bart to share the key decision points and lessons learned, as they sought to transform their global procurement technology stack.


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 “One of our key learnings is that you should never underestimate the change management process involved in such a roll-out. Adoption is also very much driven by local needs – adoption varied greatly based on the market conditions in each country” 


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why did Carlson Rezidor decide to pivot from their existing technology stack to a new solution.
  • Why did they decide to source an end to end suite rather than a series of point solutions.
  • What was their key criteria for selecting the platform that they ultimately chose?
  • What were some of their key challenges as they deployed and rolled out the platform?
  • What would they do differently?
  • What is the once area that they still continue to struggle with.
  • How are they planning to continue to leverage procurement tech post roll-out – what is the #1 technology capability that is on the horizon that they want to take advantage of.


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