1 min read

Fireside Chat with Pierre Mitchell of Spend Matters: Hype & Reality for Procurement in 2017

Fireside Chat with Pierre Mitchell of Spend Matters: Hype & Reality for Procurement in 2017

This week I am joined by Pierre Mitchell, the Chief Research Officer for Spend Matters. I have always admired Pierre’s work, back from when I first came across the insights that he shared while at The Hackett Group, and I followed his writing to Spend Matters. In fact, one of the highlights of this year has been to get to know Pierre more – we’ve spent many an hour together at various conferences through the year!

Both Pierre and I were together last week at the ISM Inside Indirect Conference 2016 in Las Vegas, and so we picked up the mic’s and hit record! So, today’s show is an informal chat covering a range of topics.  I ask Pierre what challenges he is passionate about solving, what the term “digital” really means, we seperate the marketing hype from the reality of potentially game changing technologies… and much more!


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“Most procurement organizations have not been able to step up and be a driver of business strategy because they haven’t built the capabilities to do so. They are too stuck in delivering lower level services. They have to disrupt themselves if they want to elevate up to the level where the business needs their capability”



In this episode, you will learn:

  • What challenges in procurement is Pierre motivated to try and help solve?
  • Are we as a profession ready to embrace challenges such as the need to facilitate increased supplier-led innovation?
  • Has procurement evolved over 2016 or as we still in the same position, with the same challenges and questions, as we were 12 months ago?
  • Pierre unpacks the term “digital” – what does it really mean in a procurement and supply chain context?
  • The evolution of procurement from a process step to an enabling function.
  • Will disruptive technologies impact procurement on an evolutionary basis or will it be a big bang?
  • How can we differentiate marketing hype with reality when it comes to potentially game changing technologies?
  • What is the most overused and most underused procurement KPI?


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