1 min read

How to Execute a Successful E-Auction

In my experience, e-auctions are often used and abused for the wrong reasons.  However, if you use them strategically, they can be a very powerful tool in your sourcing tool kit.

In today’s show, I explore the critical success factors that determine the successful of your next e-auction. Alun Rafique and Anya McKenna of Market Dojo explain the necessary steps you must take at all stages of an auction – from pre-event preparation to post-even communication.


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“There are two things you need to really make an e-auction a success; definition and liquidity.”


In this episode, you will learn:

  • They key steps to a creating and executing a succesful e-auction:
    • Preparation phase:
      • What kinds of products or services are suited to an e-auction?
      • How do you convince suppliers to participate?
      • How can you bring credibility to an event?
      • Considerations in building your event strategy
      • Does the duration of an event have an impact on the result?
      • How do you ensure your participants are ready to participate?
    • Event execution:
      • How should you be communicating with participants during the events?
      • What do you do if nobody bids?
      • What can you look for to see if participants are acting inappropriately?
      • What do you do if there are technical difficulties?
    • Post event actions:
      • The importance of following through on your commitments
      • How to ensure you maintain credibility for next time you invite participants to an event?

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