1 min read

When Phil Met Woz: Nurturing Innovation from Within w/ Steve Wozniak

When Phil Met Woz: Nurturing Innovation from Within w/ Steve Wozniak

We are in for a treat this week on the show.  I am joined by Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, the inventor of the personal computer, and a serial entrepreneur.  Steve really needs no introduction!

Steve recently keynoted the Coupa Inspire conference in San Francisco that I attended a couple of weeks ago.  Coupa arranged for Steve to spend 15 minutes with me after he got off stage, and so fresh off his fireside chat, we sat down and I recorded the conversation.

As I considered what kind of questions to ask to maximize our 15 minutes together, I focused on areas that have been a key part of Woz’s experiences as an innovator, and from his first-hand experience building the Apple brand with Steve Jobs.


“Innovators are the types of people that grew up their whole life as ‘makers’. They would take little ideas and turn them into stuff that wasn’t worth money maybe, but little robots or software projects.”


In this episode, you will learn:

  • If Steve believes innovation can be trained, or it comes from within?
  • Steve’s advice on how leaders can encourage or inspire their people to come up with innovative or creative ideas.
  • Why we shouldn’t feel technological innovation
  • What are the keys to the Apple brand, and what can we learn as a business function as we look to increase our internal reputations.


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