1 min read

Self-Service Sourcing: An Opportunity or Threat for Procurement?

Self-Service Sourcing: An Opportunity or Threat for Procurement?

I am joined today by Shaz Khan, the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Vroozi, a leading cloud-based business purchasing platform.

Shaz has a deep background in procurement technology, with a particular focus on SAP.

As long time listeners will know, I learn more and more every day about the nuts and bolts of procurement technology, while tending to spend more time looking for trends that I think will impact our profession.

One of those trends is self-service sourcing – empowering the organization to buy directly the vast majority of products and services they need, one the frameworks and governance structures are in place to support it.

And so, the main topic for today’s conversation is that of self-service sourcing.  Is it a threat, or an opportunity for procurement?


“The true power of procurement comes in education. Educating the company on what is out there in the market for companies to obtain, looking at what suppliers are doing that might be beneficial to the business. And really becoming influencers on how to actually run the business better.”


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Shaz’s opinion on the current health of procurement.
  • Does procurement need a PR overhaul?
  • The notion of platforms and marketplaces, and their impact on the future of procurement.
  • Why Shaz believes the distribution and delivery model of procurement is going to change rapidly.
  • What is self-service sourcing.
  • Will it be possible for self-service sourcing technology to enable the purchase of complex products and services?
  • Will self-service sourcing lead to the devolution of procurement back into the business?


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