1 min read

The Role of Procurement in the War Against Data Security Threats

The Role of Procurement in the War Against Data Security Threats

My guest today is Chris Camejo, the Director of Product Management and Threat Intelligence at NTT Security – probably the scariest sounding title I’ve ever had here on Art of Procurement. Chris and I discussed what threat intelligence means and what role procurement can play in strengthening a company’s security risk level.


“If you get an organization that looks at procurement’s request for pre-contract security or penetration testing and runs away screaming, you should probably run away in the other direction and look at another option. – Chris Camejo



Highlights from the Show Include:

  • Chris explains that threats often become reality just because people are following what they perceive as established process – and not thinking critically about the details.
  • Remember that ‘it won’t happen to me’ is the most dangerous point of view in corporate and personal security.
  • Outsourcing responsibility for customer data to a third party does not eliminate or reduce the obligation to protect it.
  • Budget limitations that prevent appropriate investments in data security are often the greatest risk companies face.
  • Data, money, and computing power all face risk without the proper data security in place.


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