1 min read

Black Belt Procurement: The Power of Maintained Focus

Black Belt Procurement: The Power of Maintained Focus

My guest today is Lawrence Kane, a Fortune 50 strategic sourcing and functional excellence lead. Lawrence and I’s conversation focused on what he has learned during his three-decade career.


To be successful you have to have empathy, you have to have people skills, you have to emotionally engage folks so that they want to be part of the solution. – Lawrence Kane



Highlights from the Show Include:

  • How learning to resist the adrenaline rush keeps emotion from overcoming productivity in a negotiation.
  • Why to be successful you have to have empathy, people skills, you have to emotionally engage folks so that they want to be part of the solution.
  • Lawrence explains that procurement doesn’t have to be the world’s greatest technical expert, but we have to know enough to see what’s real and what’s not real.
  • On the journey to becoming a trusted advisor, procurement needs to know the company well enough to understand what’s not going well, what can be done better, and where there are opportunities folks haven’t thought of yet.


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