1 min read

How Procurement Can Use Customer Experience (CX) Best Practices

How Procurement Can Use Customer Experience (CX) Best Practices

“The business discipline of customer experience takes great minds, design thinkers, great writers, great project management people. It takes everybody to get these things right, because these experiences, no matter if they’re for your internal stakeholders or for your suppliers or your end user customers, they don’t magically happen.”

We are all customers in our personal lives, and most of us can easily distinguish between a good customer experience and a poor one. But can procurement create a positive customer experience in a B2B setting for all of our different stakeholder groups consistently and at scale? Absolutely – but we have to set the right expectations and priorities first.

This interview, based on one of the most popular sessions from AOP Mastermind LIVE 2020, features Stephanie Thum, CCXP, Founding Principal of Practical CX, discussing the fundamental principles of customer experience with Art of Procurement General Manager Kelly Barner. 

Key takeaways from this session include:

  • The core values emphasized in formal customer experience development and how procurement stands to benefit from putting proven practices into use 
  • Suppliers are not one of procurement’s customer groups, but they are absolutely vital and we can’t create a positive customer relationship without them
  • The difference between creating or fostering a good customer experience and putting in the energy and effort to repair a poor or damaged customer experience

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