1 min read

AOP in 2017, Engaging w/ Start Up’s & More

AOP in 2017, Engaging w/ Start Up’s & More

Welcome to 2017!  In this first show of the year, I share details of Art of Procurement’s publishing schedule in 2017, invite applications to a new AOP Circle of Experts, and share thoughts on facilitating innovation following a recent visit to a startup accelerator program.


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 “We should all look for ways to become actively involved in the start-up communities that surround the categories that we are responsible for.”


In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why I am reverting to one Art of Procurement show a week in 2017
  • A sneak peek into a new procurement services business, with details on how to apply to become a member of our Circle of Experts (for independent consultants)
  • Thoughts on my visit to a Barclays / Techstars fintech startup accelerator program in New York and the steps that you can take to start integrating start up and early stage companies into your category strategies.


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