1 min read

When and How Can You Use eAuctions as part of your Sourcing Tool Kit

When and How Can You Use eAuctions as part of your Sourcing Tool Kit

On this weeks episode of The Art Of Procurement, we are joined by Alun Rafique and Nick Drewe, co-founders of Market Dojo, to discuss when and how you can use eAuctions as part of your Sourcing Tool Kit.

Market Dojo is a niche technology provider in the procurement space who provide primarily e-auction technology.


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“I don’t think we’d rule in or rule out any particular category for an eAuction.”


In this episode, you will learn:

  • What is an e-auction
  • The pro’s and cons of different types of auctions such as Ranked, Open or Japanese auctions, and when it makes sense to use each type
  • How using an e-auction does not mean the sourcing award has to be based solely on price
  • How suppliers are validated to go into auctions to make sure they are able to provide the business that is up for grabs
  • What needs to be present for an e-auction to be successful
  • The one key aspect that is key to determining if an e-auction is appropriate or not

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