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From C-Suite Priority to Procurement Strategy: Managing Risk at Scale

By April 25, 2023May 29th, 2024No Comments

According to 2022 research conducted by Economist Impact and commissioned by SAP, risk reduction is a top priority. 38 percent of C-suite executives view it as a way to deliver increased value through procurement. But what about the rest? Do they recognize the role procurement plays in risk management?

Supplier risk mitigation, operating model changes, and due diligence in support of ESG regulations are primary concerns for many organizations. Procurement leaders have to engage strategically if they hope to identify a range of risks and manage them at scale. 

In this AOP Live session, Art of Procurement’s Philip Ideson and Kelly Barner were joined by Gordon Donovan, Global Market Research Director, Procurement and External Workforce at SAP, and Matt Montgomery, Solution Management Director, Supplier Lifecycle & Third Party Risk Management at SAP. 

They answered live questions about:

  • How C-suite executives view procurement’s role in managing risk        
  • Why procurement talent and skills shortages may be part of the risk management challenge 
  • How companies are leveraging supplier management technologies to address these challenges  

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