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1 min read

Corporate Involvement in Ukraine in the Era of ESG

Corporate Involvement in Ukraine in the Era of ESG

In this first Dial P audio podcast, Kelly Barner takes the newspaper dominating conflict in Ukraine and looks at the active role some companies and leaders from private industry have played so far.

While companies have gotten involved in armed conflicts before, it has usually been indirect – as suppliers to the government or respondents to official orders and sanctions. In 2022, however, large global corporations have the ability to enable or disable communications, shipments, and access to funds with the click of a button – changing the course of history much more quickly than governments can make policy decisions. And in the ESG era, consumers expect the companies they buy from to act in accordance with their values, not stand by idly.

While we are all watching from the sidelines, some of us are sitting closer than others to the action. Each set of circumstances is an opportunity to think through what we would do… because we never know when the call will come, and a decision will be ours to make. What would you do?