1 min read

Embrace the Churn: Real World Advice on Positive Disruption

Embrace the Churn: Real World Advice on Positive Disruption

We constantly read about disruptive change affecting companies and entire markets. The source of that disruption is always positioned as the hero – but what about the other characters in each of those stories? What if you are living through change that is not of your own making?

I’m joined today by Joanna Martinez, Founder of Supply Chain Advisors, LLC and author of the new book, A Guide to Positive Disruption: How to Thrive and Make an Impact in the Churn of Today’s Corporate World.

Joanna is hardly new to Art of Procurement. She has appeared with me twice before, in Episode 59, ‘An Introduction To Value Based Procurement’ and again in Episode 66, ‘Where To Look To Generate Procurement Driven Value’. Between those two conversations and the one you’ll hear today, there is no denying that Joanna’s vision for procurement (and, in fact, life as a whole) extends far beyond tactical methods and measurements

In this interview, we discuss the difference between change and disruption, look at the simple ways you can make a positive difference in your own career, and face the fact that each and every one of us must learn to “embrace the churn”.


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