1 min read
How to Attract & Retain A-Level Talent in a Constrained Market
Philip Ideson : September 11, 2017

After a week hiatus for Labor Day here in the US, we are back with another great interview (and I mean great!) Joining me today is my good friend Naseem Malik, Managing Partner of MRA Global Sourcing.
If you are attempting to retain or hire procurement talent, and you are in a location where the market is tight, then this show is for you!
Our conversation is split broadly up in to three parts. First, I hit Naseem with a number of questions related to the procurement job market today – what is the current state, what signals would suggest the market is changing, and what are the most in demand skill sets.
Naseem then shares his perspective on what a procurement leader can do to not only retain the A-level talent that they have in their team today, but also how to attract the professionals needed to take their organizations to the next level.
“The primary reason that top procurement talent leaves is a lack of recognition in what they are doing.” – Naseem Malik
Links and Resources:
- Subscribe to the Art of Procurement podcast.
- Naseem Malik on LinkedIn
- MRA Global Sourcing