1 min read

The Applications and End Game of Machine Learning

The Applications and End Game of Machine Learning

I am joined today by a repeat guest and friend of the show David Hearn.  David is a long time procurement executive for companies such as Juniper Networks, Kaiser Permanente and Sun Microsystems.  Today, he is the CEO and Founder of advisory firm CPO Advisement Services.

I caught up with David at the recent ProcureCon Indirect West conference in Scottsdale where he was talking about Machine Learning and its impact on procurement. Our chance to talk came in the midst of the hotel’s garden, surrounded by birds, waterfalls – and a construction site!

With this natural backdrop, we started our conversation about machine learning – the opportunities for procurement and the long term value proposition.


“What I care about is getting insights about sourcing, consolidation, leakage, fraud: areas where we can put new programs into place because the spending is fragmented and we can pull it together.” – David Hearn



Highlights from the Show Include:

  • David points out that the real value proposition of machine learning is increased insight.
  • David talks about the immediate benefits of having accessible real time data from multiple sources.
  • David shares use cases for machine learning – including being able to derive value from ‘big data’.
  • David provides advice for CPOs interested in exploring the value of machine learning.


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