1 min read

Helping Supply Chain Insight Keep Pace with Procurement Expertise

Helping Supply Chain Insight Keep Pace with Procurement Expertise

“Don’t go for the diminishing returns of trying to go as low as you can [into your data]. Figure out at whatever depth you can, how to keep that information fresh and get insights out of it, and start acting before trying to build five tier or 10 tier supply chain visibility.”

Although the challenge of managing supply chains and supplier relationships has compounded in recent years, most procurement teams are still over-reliant on fragmented internal information that slows their response in a negotiation. What procurement needs is an empowering source of insight that combines internal and external information in one place, providing optionality and agility so they can make changes in response to changing economic and geopolitical conditions.

In this episode, Philip Ideson speaks with Rajesh Kalidindi, Founder and CEO of LevaData, about his background in electronics direct materials management and why he decided to leave his position to start his own company.

  • The opportunity that exists to augment existing human potential with technology that empowers faster decision making
  • The requirement to do so at scale, so that procurement can strategically manage spend in all categories without adding headcount
  • Why gathering insights alone isn’t enough without a way to ensure they are actionable

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