1 min read
Driving a Growth Agenda Part 1 – How Procurement Can Help Restore Growth through Cross-Functional Collaboration
Philip Ideson : February 21, 2021

Procurement’s stature has grown during the COVID-19 crisis as costs, cash flow and supply continuity quickly became top priorities and homepage news. To maintain its slot on the boardroom agenda going forward, procurement leaders must show that they can contribute to restoring growth beyond the pandemic and support a longer list of objectives.
There are ample opportunities for procurement to contribute to this broad enterprise growth, but unfortunately, few procurement teams have experience doing so. In order to be successful in this new endeavor, procurement will have to expand their influence in the organization through effective engagement of and collaboration with other parts of the business.
This podcast is part of a series focused on how procurement can contribute to efforts to restore corporate growth. In this episode we welcome Sylvie Noel, CPO at Covéa Group, the #1 in property and liability insurance provider in France. She has held this role for nearly a decade, and in that time she has led a complete overhaul of Covéa Group’s purchasing process, including new systems implementations and a change effort involving new manager priorities, procedures, and compliance.
In this first installment in the 4-part series, we’ll dive into :
- What are the top opportunities for procurement to contribute to growth?
- How can procurement leaders effectively expand their influence in the organization?
- How can you best collaborate with other departments?
- Key to gaining executive support for required investments?
- What are the requirements from a people and technology perspective?
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