1 min read
Articulating Procurement’s ‘Brand Promise’ to the Organization
Philip Ideson : December 18, 2017

My guest today is Chandar Pattabhiram, the new Chief Marketing Officer at Coupa. I took that opportunity to get his fresh perspective on how procurement can elevate its role in the organization.
“It’s one thing to say ‘I saved money’ which a lot of people talk about, but it’s another to talk about the strategic value of procurement in terms of driving agility to the organization, driving competitive advantage for the organization, and then driving visibility and compliance… controlling all those pieces that a CFO cares about as much as saving money.” – Chandar Pattabhiram
Highlights from the Show Include:
- Procurement must discuss their value potential internally, not just focus on the activities they undertake.
- Be able to articulate – and deliver on – the brand promise procurement has made to the organization.
- Find ‘wingmen’ in the organization that can work alongside procurement to deliver against strategic metrics.
- At the end of the day, it is about how far a company can make each dollar go towards build competitive advantage and beating the competition.
- The tangible power of the procurement community and their knowledge for whoever finds the best way to leverage them.
Links and Resources:
- Subscribe to the Art of Procurement podcast.
- Chandar Pattabhiram on LinkedIn