1 min read

The Big Idea: Are You Ready for Procurement 4.0?

The Big Idea: Are You Ready for Procurement 4.0?

I am joined for the second time today by Tania Seary, Founder at Procurious.  We focus on a couple of topics that both intertwine with each other.  First, I ask Tania for an update on how things are going at Procurious, and we both share our own motivations for following the paths that we have – in fact Tania turns the table on me by asking a couple of questions on why I started the Art of Procurement.

We then talk about the notion of Procurement 4.0, which will be the focus of the Big Idea Summit, and the impact it is set to have on the way that procurement organizations of the future will operate.


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“Industry 4.0 will create a quantum shift in the way businesses operate, and when we talk about Procurement 4.0 we are talking about how will that change the way in which the procurement function has to operate.”


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Why a complete and up-to-date LinkedIn profile is so important – both in creating your own personal brand, and when you are looking to recruit others.
  • Tania’s perspective on how Procurious has evolved over the past 18 months.
  • How the sources that procurement professionals can use to access knowledge, information and thought leadership changing.
  • Why knowledge alone is no longer power for procurement pro’s.
  • The topics are Procurious members most interested in reading about.
  • Procurement’s role in helping leaders think – and then respond to – the unthinkable.
  • How Tania defines Procurement 4.0.
  • Why Tania is motivated to look outside of the procurement profession for insights and inspiration that will help us to continue to grow.


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